
On a hot summer day there’s nothing better

On a hot summer day, there’s nothing better than a quick and easy source of cold water. A water cooler is an electronic appliance that dispenses cold water. A drinking fountain is technically a water cooler, but it is not as convenient for getting a full cup of water. Drinking fountains also do not have any type of filtration system, so the water is untreated. Many people do not like the taste of tap water, so fountains are not appealing to them. A bottled device has a dispenser that the water streams down from, rather than an upward arch. This makes it easier for filling a cup. Additionally, the bottled water has been filtered and treated, so it tastes better.

Water coolers are available in many sizes, and are very common in workplace break rooms. Because they are heavily used by workers, most businesses have large coolers instead of table units. Freon-commonly used in car air conditioners-is used to cool the water. The cooling mechanism and dispenser are on the bottom, and the bottle of water is on top. The bottle is upside down, so gravity forces the water downward into the dispenser.

Large coolers usually have 5-gallon bottles. When the bottle is empty, it is removed and replaced with a new, full one. The cap is designed to reseal when removed from the dispenser, so no remaining water spills. Many grocery stores and gas stations have machines for refilling the bottles. Many water companies also provide delivery services for new bottles. The dispenser has a probe to puncture the cap, allowing water to flow out of the bottle and into the cooling reservoir.

China Air Cooler Manufacturers />Many of these large coolers have a separate dispenser for warm or hot water. The water is heated by a device similar to a hot water heater in a house. If the unit does not have such a device, the second spout dispenses room China Air Cooler Suppliers temperature water. The hot water is ideal for making tea or hot chocolate. Smaller water coolers utilize 5-liter water bottles and can fit on a table or countertop. Inside these units, air pumps deliver the water to a cooling device. Some new versions can also supply hot and boiling water. They can be hooked up to the main water supply instead of using a bottled source. Tabletop coolers are ideal for homes instead of businesses because they cannot accommodate heavy use.

Like all machines, water coolers require maintenance to continue working properly. They need to be cleaned and sanitized at least once per 6-month period. If it is not cleaned regularly, mold and mildew can grow in many different parts of a unit.

This mold and mildew can not only block the flow of the water, but also make it taste bad. Another part of the routine maintenance is checking Freon levels. This should be done when the unit is no longer delivering cold water. If the Freon is low, a certified professional must refill it.In regions with extremely hot summer weather, a water cooler is great for both home and work. Many people even prefer large units in their homes. They are very convenient and easy to maintain.

